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Dual Diagnosis in Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation

[youtube id=”cLPVI3UWVRg” width=”560″ height=”315″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”&rel=0″] [tagline_box title=”Video Transcript” backgroundcolor=”#ffffff” shadow=”yes” shadowopacity=”0.1″ border=”1px” bordercolor=”#f4f4f4″ highlightposition=”top” content_alignment=”left” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=””]From the clinical perspective, we treat dual diagnosis here at The Arbor by combining 12 step recovery interventions and clinical interventions that are common, being CVT, DVT, motivational interviewing and talk therapy. Part of that is also experiential therapy and medications. The symptoms that alcohol and drugs will create for the individual would be depression. If somebody is an alcoholic and they continue to drink over time, then they chemically start to create the same symptomology as somebody with depression. When somebody starts to use methamphetamine, over time their neurochemistry will change in a way that makes it look like they have psychotic disorders or anxiety. So, once you help someone become free of the alcohol and drugs that they’re taking, the brain chemistry starts to normalize again, and with the recovery process and abstinence, their symptomology will improve to a point to where you don’t notice a person being depressed or anxious anymore, and in some ways, months from the time that the entered treatment, they don’t look like the same person. So, as part of our comprehensive approach to a client’s needs, we also include nutrition, diet, exercise, fitness, yoga. Those things are critical and important to the body and the brain rejuvenating itself and healing. So, in that healing, once that takes place, it just helps the client be able to tolerate other stresses in their life that come along with recovery. In closing, we know that people get better here at The Arbor. We get to watch clients go from broken and suffering, and in 90 days they transform to people that are whole again. They are more connected to families. They’re productive. They have a sense of spirit in them. And it’s a real privilege to watch that happen.[/tagline_box]